Final Exam Waiver Info
Final Exam Waivers will be pushed out to iPads today!
IT IS REQUIRED that the Google form be filled out by Wednesday, December 15th at noon. Any student leaving or entering the building during the final dates must have the absence pre-arranged by parent note (this note must be turned into the office by Thursday, December 16th at noon). Students are not permitted in and out privileges, which means they cannot leave and come back on the same day.
Remember you can only use a waiver in a class that you have a C- average or better grade for the waived class in that semester.
If you decide to use a waiver in a class and you take the final exam and the exam helps your final semester grade, the exam is counted. If the exam doesn’t make any difference or lowers the semester grade, the exam is not counted.
Below is a copy of a Parent Note to be used. There will also be physical copies in the office.