Porter-Starke Services Foundation is pleased to make scholarships available to graduating seniors of Porter, Starke, and Lake (Gary) County High Schools in Indiana. Candidates must already be accepted to an accredited college, university or vocational school and must be pursuing a 2-year or 4-year degree.
The Porter–Starke Services Foundation works alongside Porter-Starke Services to enhance the quality of life by advocating for the behavioral and physical health of our community through fundraising, stewardship, and financial support. It is the goal of our organization to reduce the stigma of mental health issues and recognize its impact in our daily lives.
Applications are now available electronically and can be downloaded and printed directly from https://www.porterstarke.org/resources/scholarships. We are requesting that all forms be typed and then printed. Handwritten forms will not be considered.
Completed scholarship applications, letters of recommendation, and an official transcript (provided by guidance department) must be postmarked by March 3, 2023 to the attention of Elliott Miller, Porter-Starke Services Foundation, 601 Wall Street, Valparaiso, IN 46383.
ALL Junior students will take the SAT on March 2nd in main gym on their iPads.
Please realize SAT scores qualify students for scholarships, assists with college admissions, and provide students opportunities for grants and honors programs.
Passing it qualifies students for a graduation pathway as mandated by the state of Indiana.
Juniors should be receiving practice opportunities in their math and English courses.
There are also some links to practice tests below:
https://www.khanacademy.org/sat/confirmed (students login for individualized test practice)
The peer-to-peer tutoring organization Schoolhouse.world is offering free four-week SAT bootcamps to prepare students for upcoming SAT administrations. Registration is open Monday, January 30, through Wednesday, February 8. Sessions begin on Friday, February 10. Note that the statewide SAT School Day primary testing window is Wednesday, March 1, through Friday, March 3, so juniors will have only two-and-one-half weeks of the bootcamp prior to statewide testing. Students may also prepare with the free Official SAT Practice with Khan Academy, as outlined in this webinar. Contact the Schoolhouse.world help desk with any questions.
The Indiana Commission for Higher Education has been recruiting applicants for the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship. Applications are due January 31, 2023. I was wondering if you might be able to share the blurb below (and attachment, if possible) with any colleagues on your campus that may interact with students (high school and college) interested in a future career in teaching?
The Indiana Commission for Higher Education is currently accepting applications for the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship, which provides up to $30,000 in financial aid to aspiring teachers.
Top-performing high school and college students who are planning to teach in the State of Indiana for at least five years can apply for a scholarship that is $7,500 per year of college (up to $30,000 total). This is a competitive scholarship and only 200 awards are available.
Students must apply by January 31, 2023, at ScholarTrack.IN.gov.
To qualify for the scholarship, students must meet one of the following academic requirements:
Additional information can be accessed on the website and questions can be sent to NextTeacher@che.in.gov.
College Board and Khan Academy hosted an Official SAT Practice webinar, and the recording is now available. Students can connect their College Board account to Khan Academy, generating customized practice experiences in the areas of greatest impact based on their most recent PSAT or SAT performance. Students who do not have previous scores may take a diagnostic test to provide a baseline. Some schools are utilizing this school-wide, while others have teachers or counselors using it as a resource with groups of students working to improve their SAT performance. Contact College Board with any additional questions.
PORTER COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION IS NOW OPEN! There are lots of different scholarships available for all different areas of study – be sure to check this out! https://www.pccf.gives/students?fbclid=IwAR1U55Re9cxF_KF5NBU0v1mufSMCMj2YqMQMiC6w0L8lkJb_emNcJDeYxwc
PARTNERS FOR CLEAN AIR SCHOLARSHIPS – In 2023, one or more scholarship(s) of $2,500 will be awarded to qualified high school seniors in Lake, Porter or LaPorte counties to assist with post-secondary education expenses. Qualified students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher, attend an accredited college, university, or trade school in the Fall of 2023, and pursue a two- or four-year college degree or two-year trade school certification or degree. Qualified students will be considered provided they demonstrate how their planned field of study aligns with clean air and public health.
Consideration for this scholarship opportunity will be limited to the first 100 applications received by Partners for Clean Air and/or those received by 5:00 pm CST on March 31, 2023, whichever comes first. The applications will be vetted through an extensive, blind evaluation process by members of the Partners for Clean Air Scholarship Committee and approved by the full Steering Committee, both of which are comprised of representatives of member organizations. https://www.in.gov/idem/partnerships/partners-for-clean-air/partners-for-clean-air-scholarship/?utm_source=agency-website&utm_medium=&utm_campaign=&utm_term=&utm_content=