2022 Academic Hall of Fame video link
Odyssey Credit Recovery Students
Deadlines to complete Odyssey Courses:
Seniors – Friday, May 13th by 2:35 pm
All other students – Friday, May 20th by 2:35 pm
The PTSC Education Foundation is offering scholarships seniors planning to attend school for: Business, Health Care, Engineering, Trade School, and Education. Applications have been posted to Schoology and hard copies are available in the Guidance office. All are due April 28, 2022.
Joe Starkey was a 1998 graduate of Boone Grove High School. During high school,
he was a member of the student council and was a founding member of Project
CARE. Also, he played basketball and volleyball. After graduating from Indiana
University, he worked at Oak Partners as a financial advisor. On March 23, 2021,
Joe unexpectedly passed away. His family has decided to honor him through a
scholarship given in his name. A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a graduating
senior from Boone Grove.
The 3rd quarter ends 2 weeks from this Friday on March 11th!
Remember your 3rd quarter report card grades will determine your eligibility for Student in Good Standing, ISP, and Blended Wednesdays. Please review your grades on Harmony and work to get them up. Communicate with teachers with questions or concerns.
***ANY grades below a C- on your report card for the 3rd quarter and you will be required to attend ISP and be in-person on Blended Wednesday from Monday, March 28th to Monday, May 2nd.
The FBI’s Youth Leadership Academy is designed to promote an educational experience that will
provide students with valuable leadership training and a greater understanding of the FBI. Through
experiential learning activities, students will develop skills in communication, trust, team work,
goal setting and leadership. If you are interested please see flyer and application here.
This year, juniors will be taking SAT as the state mandated test. We will be giving the test the morning of March 3rd.
Students will receive standard SAT scores as well as a proficiency levels specific to Indiana. The cut scores for these proficiency levels will be determined by Indiana educators following the first test administration.
Students may elect to send their SAT score reports to up to four colleges/universities at no charge.
This will be a digital version of both English and Math sections. There will be no essay. The majority of the test will be multiple choice with some numeric fill-in as well.
Below are links with some guidance on test preparation.